Technical specifications of getAddressMap
Type: WMS service
Description: the service retrieves a rectangular map image containing geospatial thematic layers that cover the spatial area defined by the input polygon provided by the user. Available thematic layers include:
Road centerlines: KG_DEV_WS:RoadSegment
Building entrance points: AR_DEV_WS:Entrance_all
Road name labels: KG_DEV_WS:RoadNameView
Landmarks: AR_DEV_WS:Landmark_all
City borough boundaries: KG_DEV_WS:Borough
Municipal boundaries: KG_DEV_WS:Municipality
Cadastral zone boundaries: KG_DEV_WS:CadastreZone
National boundary: KG_DEV_WS:State
Input parameters according to the format:
BBOX: vector rectangle defined in comma separated coordinates of kosovoref01 spatial system according to the format
Bottom: left X, Bottom left Y, Top Right X, Top right Y:
Layers: a list of comma-separated layer names, e.g AR_DEV_WS:Entrance_all, KG_DEV_WS:RoadSegment
Width: of the image in pixels (e.g 800)
Height: of the image in pixels (e.g 800)
Output: A georeferenced PNG graphic file that displays the specified thematic layers in pre-rendered form.
Example of getAddressMap: